Student Life Skills
for Parents
Want to teach your child useful life skills in a matter of minutes? Families can use SLS at home or collaborate with participating SLS schools.
Discover how to teach life skills to your children from an experienced psychotherapist
Paul Sweetow has spent over 30 years in the helping profession as a psychotherapist. He received his master's degree in social work from the University of Chicago.
Paul provides psychotherapy for all ages using cognitive/behavioral therapy, DBT, and positive psychology.
Paul is the author of Student Life Skills, The Socratic Parent, The Heroic Adventures of Miles and Maria which is an eight book series that focuses on children applying the skills in their lives.

Here is how it works:

Step 1: Use Student Life Skills at Home
Enroll today and get access to bite-sized SEL lessons, interactive games, downloadable worksheets, and parent guides.

Step 2: Benefit From Guidance
You'll receive instruction on how to use the online program with short instructions and videos.

Step 3: Watch Your Child Grow
These life skills are tools for life; not one use and done. Make sure to facilitate daily practice and application!

Why you need THIS social and emotional learning program..
What Educators Are Saying About
the Student Life Skills Online Program

Penelope L. Peterson Ph.D.
Dean, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University
In Student Life Skills, Paul Sweetow provides useful tools for parents and teachers to help children learn skills for coping with their feelings in different life situations involving school, family and friends. I highly recommend the book to parents and teachers who want to help children develop resilience so that each child can deal easily with hardships that come along.

Stan McCracken, Ph.D.
Lecturer-Retired, University of Chicago, Vietnam Veteran—US Army
As a veteran and clinician working with the military, I understand that the relationship with our children are critically important for the emotional wellness of both the child and the parent. Student Life Skills provides actionable tools and strategies for parents to help their children in areas of: increasing happiness, reducing stress and anger, building grit and resilience, succeeding in school, and enhancing relationships with family and friends. I highly recommend Student Life Skills to all military parents.

Shirley C.
Chicagoland Teacher for 35 years
I am a retired teacher with 35 years experience, and am excited to recommend Student Life Skills. My students absorbed the lessons quickly, preparation time was minimal, and parents felt connected and supportive. Mostly, I noticed my students' social and emotional lives improve.

Noreen P.
Teacher for 32 years
I taught young children for 32 years and implemented Pauls Sweetow’s Student Life Skills Program.I taught one skill per week and the children were engaged in learning to better understand themselves and their emotions. We assume that young children have the necessary tools to interact with peers in a positive way and make responsible decisions. I observed the children learning a common language, setting goals and learning how to resolve conflict in a positive way. The parents were able to integrate the learning practices at home to help the children strengthen their social and emotional skills. I utilized many different programs over my tenure as a teacher but Paul Sweetow's Student Life Skills Program helps children develop a tool kit they can utilize to be successful learners and friends.
Bite-Sized Social-Emotional Learning — At Home